Contact: Volvick Derose
The Speak Logic Project
PO Box 30591
Tucson, AZ 85751
The Speak Logic Project Releases the
Following Books
Fundamental of Communication Book 1
Fundamental of Communication Book 1 Math
Fundamental of Communication Book 2
Fundamental of Communication Book 2 Math
Fundamental of Communication Book 3
Fundamental of Communication Book 3 Math
Application Modeling Tutorial Theory Domain
Application Modeling Tutorial Theory Domain Math
Tucson, Arizona October 10, 2011 Today The Speak Logic Project announced the release of the following books: Fundamental of Communication Book 1, Fundamental of Communication Book 1 Math, Fundamental of Communication Book 2, Fundamental of Communication Book 2 Math, Fundamental of Communication Book 3, Fundamental of Communication Book 3 Math, Application Modeling Tutorial Theory Domain and Application Modeling Tutorial Theory Domain Math.
From the Understanding of Principle of Communication book, the principle of communication was learned with the help of the understanding communication logic. The Fundamental of Communication further extends that logic to include the fundamental of the principle. In other words, from Understanding the Principle of Communication book, the principle was learned without emphasizing about the origin of the principle, where in Fundamental of Communication the origin of the principle is taking into consideration.
Given that the principle is very complex and there are unlimited relationships, it makes sense to present it in a form where the relationships can be minimized and understood. By providing a representation of the same book mathematically, that facilitates the learning and the understanding of the principle by reducing complexity in the learning process.
The Application Modeling Tutorial in theory domain enables the modeling of applications and projects in the theory domain. This book enables users to view an application related to what we think. In the communication domain, the model of the application is related to the communication of the people in the application, but in the theory domain the model of the application is related to the ideas of the people in the application. It is always better to say it like that, in the communication domain we model our application related to our communication, while in the theory domain we model our application related to theory.
All books are available to download immediately from The Speak Logic Project website. The mathematical representation of each book requires the understanding of algebra. People who have a good understanding of algebra can download the mathematical representation of each book, while people who have a minimal or no understanding of algebra can download the non mathematical representations.
About The Speak Logic Project
The Speak Logic Project is a
nonprofit organization that promotes better communication. The Speak Logic Project promotes
better communication by helping to understand communication within an
application. For instance in an
application, the people in that application communicate to execute that
application. The
communications of the people in that application drive the application, where
that application is executed from the communications that drive it. The Speak Logic Project exits to help
understand that process.
Communication drives application, where application executes from communication.
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